Bullride Mania!

Thursday 7:30 PM
July 24th
Prices starting at:
$13 Adults
$6 Children (Ages 2-10)
**Gate Admission Not Included
Pre-Sale Prices: $13 Adult, $6 Child (After 7/19, $15 Adult, $8 Child)
Show line up:
Little Buckaroo Rodeo for Kids
Includes Sheep riding for ages 4,5,6
Kids Stick Horse Races for ages 6 & under
Kids Stick Horse Races for ages 7-12
Invocation, National Anthem and Grand Entry
Qualification Round of Bull Riding
New- Girls Breakaway Roping
Specialty Act
Girl’s Barrel Racing
Bull Hockey Championship Round of Bull Riding
Call to sign up- 717-334-7724 or visit bullridemania.com