Tractor and Truck PullsPull-off Productions Tickets on sale soon Tuesday 6:30 PM July 22nd Prices starting at: $12 Adults $6 Children (Ages 2-10)Trackside:$15 Adults$7 Child (Ages 2-10) *Gate Admission Not Included TweetPinShare0 Shares Tuesday Night Tractor and Truck PullsPull-Off Productions Sanctioned by USA East Sled Pulling PullsJuly 22nd @ 6:30PMPre-Sale Prices: $12 Adult, $6 Child (after 7/19, $14 Adult, $8 Child)Sanctioned PullsLight Limited Pro Stock Tractors3.0 Limited Pro TrucksKing of the FarmWild StreetUnsanctioned PullsAntique 5,500 Small Tire Tractors *Class Order TBA**Rules can be found on our Files and Forms Page****Participants MUST enter Gate 1 and stage in Lot 1B located behind Skate Zone.****Trackside seating has bleachers with access to pits.* SPONSORS